Friday, May 25, 2012

Ethnographic Study In Marketing

What is the ethnographic study? According to Brian (2011),  ethnographic study can be defined as both qualitative research process or method (one conducts an ethnography) and product (the outcome of this process is and ethnography) whose aim is cultural interpretation.

Organization use the ethnographic study to gain and collect the data which are related to the culture and the   behavior of the customer. The different of demographic background will lead to different culture and perception of the customer. Organizations will need the ethnographic study to collect the related data of customer so there can know their target of customers and also maintain the valuable customers.

The advantage of undertaking the ethnographic study is the researcher will able to gain more comprehensive perspective from the ethnographic study compare to others forms of research. Besides that,it is also appropriate to behavior that are best understood by observing them within their natural environment (McGraw Hill, 2008). The challenge of undertaking the ethnographic study is the subjective of the observation of researcher. Different background of  people will have different perspective. The background of the researcher may cause the observational bias and the out coming result will no be accurate.

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